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I have been working with glass for about 25 years. In 1999 I set up my first small studio,
in 2002 I attended my first workshop at Bildwerk Frauenau/Germany and in 2003 a 2 months training
for hot glass at Penland School of Craft/North Carolina. Since then I have been learning new
techniques in courses at Bildwerk/Germany, at Pilchuck/USA, at Bullseye, Portland/USA, at North Lands Creative
Glass/Scotland and at Glass Furnace/Turkey: casting, pâte de verre, printing, roll up, warm glass
techniques to express my themes with different glass qualities.

In recent years I have concentrated on theme related projects. In 2018 this resulted in the
exhibition "Modern Times" which questions our modern working world. I like to use metaphors,
symbols and humor in my work. Different levels of relationships and what affects our society
like politics, religions, wars and maybe the biggest problem: destroying our Earth with CO2,
which results in global warming, water pollution and plastic garbage, have an impact on my ideas and work.

The material offers a lot of room for interpretation and the possibility to represent the often
elusive, virtual, critical themes through transparency, lightness or fragility. My work gives me
the opportunity to express and share my ideas and thoughts.


SSFA The swiss society of female artists /
VVMG Vereniging van Vrienden van Modern glas /

©Copyright Karola Dischinger